State of Florida College Salaries

$ $
List of employee salaries
College Last Name First Name Middle Name Function Occupation Category Position Number Position Title Salary

Please note the following
  1. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the data provided in the report, please contact the Human Resources Department of the appropriate college.
  2. The data from the colleges is collected bi-annually, approximately March and September. The March data reflects the previous calendar year, January through December. The September data reflects the previous fiscal year, July through June.
  3. Payroll information is provided by each of the 28 members of the Florida College System.
  4. Annual salary is the annual amount of money paid to employees for activities associated with their function(s).
  5. The salaries of college employees may be funded from both public and private revenue sources.
  6. Confidential or exempt information under Florida Public Records Law is not included.